New highway proposal for Asheville NC would benefit trucking industry

By Dan Boaz

The trucking industry always benefits from plans provide important future congestion relief and transportation improvements for Asheville, NC is a proposal being presented by the N.C. Department of Transportation this month. Improvements to the city's highway infrastructure including the addition of the proposed I-26 connector are under review which could result in a new seven-mile long stretch of interstate for the city greatly benefitting commercial freight movement for full truckload carriers transporting via the city.

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2015 sees new record interstate highway traffic totals

By Dan Boaz

If it seems like every time you head out onto the roads there is more and more traffic competing for the same patch of asphalt you're not imagining it. Statistics released by the USDOT show that the interstate highway system has reached peak levels for the first half of 2015

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New report looks at congestion impact in Oregon

By Dan Boaz

Oregon is just the latest in a list of states that are seeking solutions to their ever increasing infrastructure needs, particularly highway improvements that are vital to the trucking sector and in turn the economy of the entire state. The recovering economy is a boon to the state's industry, commerce and trucking in the region but simultaneously a new report shows that traffic levels in Oregon have reached unprecedented levels.

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Trucking sector learns about phase 2 of EPA standards

By Dan Boaz

Welcome to our new and fully revamped site at and the the first edition of our regular blog that will look at news from throughout the trucking sector and especially the full truckload market for long haul shipments. This blog will complement

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